Saturday, February 25, 2012

In Time to watch another movie!

In Time is a movie about a dystopian society where the people are genetically engineered in order to not age past 25 years. While on the surface this may seem great the fact is that " many must must die in order for a select few to be immortal". This is the prevailing idea of the film that in my mind is a commentary of the current economic state of the country. This movie is a commentary on the discretion of economic classes even more so because of the "time districts" which are basically the ghetto and richville. Whatever the meaning behind this movie I found it was lOst on through the bad script and unfortunate lackluster suspense. Justin Timberlake is at least in my mind an actor who has earned my respect however I think the cheesy tone of the protagonist was just to much for me. I would say watch it but rent because the problem is this is no way the worst movie but it isn't worth buying in my opinion.

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